I will never know whatever or whoever brought you here today. But I’m grateful either way and I’m glad you decided to stop by.
So now you’re here, let me tell you a little bit about me. I truly hope I can add some value to your journey.

I was an ordinary kid like billions all over the world. An average C-grade student who graduated into a normal entry-level job. Loud, outgoing, and personable, yes. Beyond that, just like everyone else. But with spiky hair, a sizeable nose, and a loud voice for a little fella. Oh, and it turned out that I had a little entrepreneurial streak that never dawned on me until years later.
Back in the day, I was known for selling (and eating) chocolate, crisps and candy in my high school. And when the vending machines inevitably failed, demand for my products soared. Naturally, my price point notched up a tad during peak times! Basic supply and demand. My key supply chain link was my Mum, so I never went out of stock.
My parents ran a community Post Office and convenience store since before I was born. I worked in the shop serving customers from 8-years old. Paid in football and car magazines, cups of tea and Wispa bars. What a gig. As my profits soared, I transitioned into garments. There weren’t many people selling designer jumpers in North East England in the 90s… I was one of them. My first insight into a low volume, high margin business. I liked it a lot.
accidental agency
Fast forward a few years, and I became an accidental agency owner. In 2009, after a few different roles, I founded a marketing company called ramarketing. The name was one a friend and I imagined after a few drinks one night. We laughed at it, but it stuck.
So, with just a single client and my tiny dining table, I got to work. It was a side-gig, done in my spare time alongside my day job as head of marketing for a pharmaceutical contract manufacturing organisation owned by my dear friend Fiona (pictured right).
It was created purely to earn some extra income that enabled my wife, Selena, and I to see more of the world in our early years of marriage.
No fancy startup story. No fundraising. No aha moment. Simply an opportunity, which I’m glad I didn’t pass.

Nothing worth having comes easy
Along with the success I’ve been fortunate to enjoy in business, I’ve worked to become a published author, podcaster, international keynote speaker, blogger, guest university lecturer, and marathon runner. I travel all over the world for work and have built a pretty decent international network. I’m also very happily married with three amazing kids, and live between the UK and North America.
People seem to see me as pretty successful—whatever that means. Some think this all happened overnight. And that could not be further from the truth. None of it happened by accident. Any successes I’ve enjoyed took serious work within my business and within myself. These days, it’s my genuine honour to share my mistakes and learnings to help you on your journey.
Snap out of autopilot and overcome that floundering feeling. Rather than shouldering those emotions of frustration, disorientation, and uncertainty on your own, you now have a guide. Discover all of my learnings, neatly packaged into 24 valuable insights for you. Real-life, practical, doable lessons can help you find focus and direction.